social media

Facebook is working to consolidate the technology behind them

Facebook’s Scandals And Outage Test Users’ Frenemy Relationship

Elizabeth Stoycheff (The Conversation) | When Facebook was down for most of the day on Oct. 4, 2021, did you miss it, were you relieved or some of both? Social scientists have compiled an expansive body of research that shows how people have come to develop a love-hate relationship with the social media giant with nearly 3 billion users. Facebook’s stunning success has come at the expense of the privacy of its virtual friends. Its “we sell ads” business model may sound benign, but the platform collects more data and information about users than they may consciously know about themselves.

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Weekend link fest

A curated selection of links we hope can enlighten us all; some come from our corner, some do from other corners of the net. And as always, our comment widgets are anxious to get your suggestions. Anglo-Saxon banker-bashing, this time from one of them! Why a general strike in Spain is not what once was Fed’s bank stress tests? Don’t trust them The day the UK felt vulnerAAAble A review of…