
PM Rajoy

Political instability weighs on Spain’s agenda

MADRID | The Spanish government has suddenly disappeared from Europe’s scene. In the midst of a deep recession it crosses fingers hoping the German general elections’ aftermath might break the current deadlock on financial mutualisation and help to reconstitute the Southern front.

Spain UK

UK Corp feasts in Spain

MADRID | By A. Laso D’Lom | According to official ICEX data about foreign investment, British gross investments in Spain in 2011 rose by 341 percent comparing to 2010 to €6.6 billion and reached the top place in the list of global investment in Spain.


Iberia strike’s crazy sudoku

MADRID | By Carlos Díaz Güell | Some say the first step to solve a problem is to know what is it about. Although when it comes to Iberia, that has been having problems for more than two decades, it is not that simple. The once flagship Spanish airline had been denying its difficulties and its fundamentals rotted. Something that will be remembered in the history of aviation.

Alfredo Saenz

A fair ending for Alfredo Sáenz

MADRID | By Carlos Díaz Güell | In the coming weeks we’ll see if the banking career of Alfredo Sáenz, probably Spain’s best bank manager during democracy, with Emilio Botín’s permission, is finished or not.