Articles by The Corner

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.

Viscofan: Waiting for signs of stabilization

Renta 4 | Due to a more adverse market environment than initially anticipated and the increased competitive pressure in Southeast Asia and Europe, VIS revised downwards its 2019 guidance, slightly in revenue (-1%) and more markedly in recurring EBITDA ( -7%) and recurring net profit (-18%). The new estimates consider an increase in sales + 5 / + 7% and recurring EBITDA + 2 / + 5% and a fall in recurring net profit -6 / -12%.

huawei semiconductor industry

What’s at stake in Trump’s war on Huawei: control of the global computer-chip industry

Clinton Fernandes (The Conversation) | Silicon Valley may now be more popularly associated with software companies such as Google and Facebook but it takes its name from the material most used to make semiconductors. Semiconductors – or computer chips – power everything from mobile phones to military systems. The semiconductor industry sits at the centre of the modern world. This point is key to appreciating what’s going on in the US government’s battle with Chinese technology giant Huawei.

Repsol's bet on alternative energies

Repsol registers new subsidiary to manage its green energy business

Spanish oil-and-gas company Repsol SA  just created a new subsidiary for its renewable energy business: Repsol Renovables. This new company will be responsible for carrying out the new green energy projects that the oil company has for more than 1Bn investment.

catalan politicians prison

Keys of the Catalan separatist trial before the sentence

Nicolás García Rivas (The Conversation) | The separatist leaders currently in prison – or fleeing justice – are accused of rebellion, the most serious crime against the constitution. All because of the events which took place two years ago, following the adoption by the Catalan parliament of various laws of “disconnection” of Catalonia from Spain and its subsequent separation from our State.