Articles by Victor Jimenez

About the Author

Victor Jimenez
London contributor at, reporting about the City and the Eurozone economies. He regularly writes for Spanish newspaper group Prensa Ibérica--some of his features include shared work with journalists of The Daily Telegraph and the BBC.
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Charts we know of the Cyprus crisis

By 2017 the two largest Cypriot banks–Bank of Cyprus and Cyprus Popular–face debt repayments of €11 billion or 86 percent of the whole economy’s output.

Cyprus bailout

Cypriot savers’ fault

LONDON | While the average German bank deposits have returned some $130 per $1,000 since 2008, the Cypriot figure almost doubles it. Yield information like this throws a very different light over what is happening this week in Cyprus.

micro businesses

Europe should go for micro solutions

LONDON | If more than 99% of all European businesses are, in fact, small businesses that shape the true back-bone of the European economy, European governments are clearly missing the chance to generate at least a few millions of new jobs.

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Oops, Cristina Kirchner did it again

Argentina has so far led investors to believe that it is ready to default if necessary to avoid the New York court’s ruling. That reaction, although less than surprising, would worsen further its lack of credibility.


The unbelievable creditless recovery

Five years into the most global financial crisis, with continued economic recession and growing unemployment, should the Eurogroup consider a change of course in its meeting today?

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Did Moody’s downgrade Chancellor Osborne?

LONDON | The two possible responses from Chancellor George Osborne and Prime Minister David Cameron are well known: they could either use again the eurozone card as a scapegoat, or face the UK rating downgrade.