Spanish Politics

pedro sanchez preocupado

Against Inflation… More Taxes

Fernando Gonzalez Urbaneja | Economics textbooks have a heading to add to the chapter on inflation: the one dictated by Dr Pedro Sánchez before Parliament. After warning that inflation (10% annual rate) is the most worrying problem for the government, he deployed a series of “anti-inflationary” measures, among them, new taxes for banks and energy companies on extraordinary profits . The president spoke about his concern about the influence of…

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“The Ashes Of The Nation”

“Sánchez is capable of competing with Johnson in his race of compulsive liars” says the former editor of El País. Hours before the debate on the State of the Nation begins in the Spanish Parliament, Juan Luis Cebrián, the former first editor of the well-known “government newspaper” – El País – has published a very harsh article (“Las cenizas de la Nación”). In it he points out, for example, that…


Former PSOE Leaders Denounce Sánchez’s Law Of Democratic Memory And The Pact With Bildu. Current Leaders Keep Quiet And Maintain Their Salaries

Several historic leaders of the PSOE have signed a statement against the Democratic Memory bill and the agreement reached with EH Bildu, considering it a “distortion” of the historical truth by extending the “suspicious period” of the dictatorship until 1983. The letter, issued by the Association for the Defence of the Values of the Transition, is signed by former socialist leaders such as the former presidents of the Senate, Javier…


“Adding” Starts By Subtracting. Yolanda Díaz Asks Her Colleagues Not To Attend The Presentation Of The New Platform Of The Extreme Left

The capacity of some political leaders to “ride contradictions” (Pablo Iglesias dixit) knows no limits: Yolanda Díaz, second vice-president of the Government, Minister of Labour, the designated successor of Pablo Iglesias at the head of the Spanish extreme left, presents tomorrow Sumar, her new political platform. And for the presentation she asks the leaders of the political left – including her colleagues in Unidas Podemos – not to attend the…

Forty years of Spanish constitution: What's next?

The Government Will Today Approve Extraordinary Spending Of 1 Billion Euros On Defence. His Podemos Partners Say Sánchez Has Lost His Way

The government will today approve a loan of up to 1 billion euros for the Ministry of Defence, according to El País. A decision that does not have the approval of Unidas Podemos and was not even consulted over with them, according to purple sources. However, government sources specify that “all ministerial departments were informed” in the General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries held the previous week. They…


Sánchez: There Is A “Conspiracy Of Dark Powers” That Wants To “Overthrow” The Government

In Spain “there are dark powers” that try to boycott the government because it is “annoying”, “uncomfortable”. These powers “yearn for an old order”. And they have “media and political terminals”, which they do not hesitate to use to “demobilise the electorate” and “strike” at the coalition government, until “the progressives give up”. We do not know their faces, but they are “gentlemen with cigars” meeting in the “cenacles of…

Sanchez Biden

NATO Summit: Sánchez To Meet With Biden Today At La Moncloa

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez will finally receive the President of the United States, Joe Biden, this Tuesday at the Moncloa Palace. This will be with a view to staging what the Executive has endeavoured to ensure is a solid bilateral relationship after the failed meeting a year ago that ended in a brief chat lasting barely 30 seconds. The US president is travelling to Madrid for the NATO summit, an…

spanish PM pedro sanchez

Institutions De-Legitimised, Democracy Broken Down

Fernando González Urbaneja | The most striking aspect of the Prime Minister’s speech on Saturday was his assertion that the judiciary (Constitutional and CGPJ) is delegitimised because the PP does not accept the terms proposed by the government. To top off the accusation, Sánchez argues that the PP, by not renewing, violates the Constitution. The political history of the PSOE led by Sánchez insists on pushing the opposition, the PP,…


The Government Rectifies Again To Try To Control The Constitutional Court

The PSOE will register a bill in Congress to enable the General Council of the Judiciary – which was prevented by decree from making new appointments while it remains in office – to make only the appointments of the two judges of the Constitutional Court. The Government is determined to renew the Constitutional Court (TC). To this end, it is going to register a parliamentary initiative that will allow the…


The Two Secretaries Of State Of The Minister For Inclusion, Social Security And Migration -The Most ‘Sophisticated’ Minister In The Cabinet- Resign

The resignation of both comes in the midst of negotiating far-reaching reforms such as pension and self-employed quotas, as well as welcoming migrants due to the war in Ukraine. The two Secretaries of State that the Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luís Escrivá – who, with an arrogance worthy of a better cause, disqualified a few weeks ago the Bank of Spain’s criticism of the Government’s proposed…