In the World


Italy’s real GDP faring worse than its neighbours’

Out of the markets’ spotlight, the Italian economy isn’t actually improving. Brussels must balance its ‘whenever in doubt apply a budget-cut’ policy: when GDP deterioration reaches too low a point, that makes urgent structural reforms implausible.


Indeed, poor rich children

In London and Madrid, NGO Save the Children has given a word of alert: the economic crisis is hitting hard those who are more vulnerable. Medicines and food aren’t as available as they should be to them.

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The Japanese liquidity trap

Economist Luis Arroyo peeks at Japan’s monetary policy with some sense of vertigo. Deflation has become a real threat for the country’s recovery and should be fought sooner than later.

France faints in the core euro zone

The French PMI fell by almost four points while Germany’s expanded. That’s bad news for the euro zone, whose core is in for trouble as an isolated German engine cannot pull its neighbours out of recession.


Obama wins his first vote from Bernanke

Two months before the US general elections, the Federal Reserve activates a package of expansionary monetary policy that will artificially inject life into the US economy. Carlos Díaz sees this is a vote for Obama.

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Germany’s boom is wreaking the country

FRANKFURT | Public pensions will be cut down by 2 percent, leaving many retired workers with less than €600 a month. That is under the minimum wages deemed sufficient in the country. Shocked? Don’t be. Look behind the picture of a wealthy Germany.