In the World

China roads

China’s emerging cities

China turns into a urban nation. A transformation that entails a dramatic achievement and a challenge without precedents in the world. As cities become better places to live they become more expensive too, to the extent that people can’t afford the luxury of inhabiting these mega-cities. Without a fairer model, which fosters job creation and an equal access to resources, urbanization risks  undermining the country’s transition towards domestic consumption.

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France culture tax reignites debate: too much levying already?

NEW YORK | As the country plunges into recession, the government proposal on a France culture tax as high as 1% on the sale of smartphones, tablets and other Internet devices is seen with skepticism the United States. Paris claims it would support to create digital cultural content inside France and counterbalance foreign content invasion. Protectionism or a smart move in times of crisis?

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China economic prospects: Heeding the Roar of Bears

BEIJING | By Caixin Magazine | Global opinion on China economic prospects appears to have soured of late. Credit ratings agency Fitch downgraded the country’s long-term local-currency rating from AA– to A+ last month, followed by Moody’s lowering the country’s credit outlook from “positive” to “stable.” Are market bears right? For many, this means Beijing must put reform back on its agenda.

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UK leaving the EU? Be patient, dudes! Obama says

NEW YORK | Obama acted as Mediator In Chief this Monday. Like some kind of a high level marriage counselor, the US president asked Britons to be “patient” so reforms in the EU achieve their results before “making any decision”, adding that it was sensible to try to fix what’s wrong with a relationship before breaking it off. But, at the same time, he supported Cameron’s intention to renegotiate membership conditions for the UK.

Fiscal policy in Asia

The role of fiscal policy in Asia’s growth

By Anoop Singh | Spending differently and more efficiently can go a long way. In several Asian emerging economies and low-income countries, subsidies—which are often a distortion and not well targeted to the poor—take up a higher share of total government expenditure than in peers in other regions.

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Who is behind US economic recovery?

NEW YORK |The Federal Reserve is perhaps one of the most important political factors behind the slow but steady US economic recovery -the country is growing at a 2.5% pace a year despite Europe’s recession and China’s slowdown-. But also, and here comes a problem, America’s central bank could be behind the crazy Wall Street rally.


Cyprus bailout effects: Eurozone integration remains vulnerable

With the great amount of debate, chatter, and serious analysis about the EU’s financial rescue of Cyprus from insolvency and potential departure from the eurozone, many wonder if the EU policy emerging from the Cypriot “bail out” will have a lasting impact on the political and economic integration of the Europe. In John Sydney Hopkins view, the EU rescue of Cyprus will be seen as a milestone event with a lasting impact on the EU’s ability to manage the process of integration.


The Enduring Glow of Gold

BEIJING |  Caixin Magazine | A ripple of skepticism recently hit prices of the yellow metal, but gold remains the ultimate hedge on inflation, as former Morgan Stanley’s Chief Economist for Asia Pacific Andy Xie explains. The global economy has already entered into stagflation with a growth rate of 2 percent and inflation at 3 percent. The inflation rate is likely to rise above 4 percent in 18 months while the growth rate will remain stuck in the same range. With inflation twice as high as the growth rate, the global economy will slip deeper into stagflation.