World economy


Is there a property bubble in China?

BARCELONA | CaixaBank | The exorbitant rise in house prices has not been uniform or widespread in China but has been concentrated in a few of the country’s large cities. Yet, it’s important not to lose sight of the risk entailed by a real estate boom.


Canada’s banking system: A poster boy?

Discretion advice: If you are an European businessman struggling to get credit, or a US home buyer looking for a reasonable interest rate mortgage, this may hurt your feelings: Canada’s banks are lending money.

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Extremists and the Fiscal Cliff

The extremists of the Tea Party have ruined the Republican Party and threaten now with bringing to a halt the Congress and the government. Economic indicators are already signalling danger.

Obama Lagarde

The US fear Europe’s austericide

As anger and despair over austerity spread in Europe, more US analysts are expressing their solidarity towards protesters and skepticism towards policy makers. A turning point was IMF’s shift, saying that tax hikes and spending cuts causing far more economic damage than experts had assumed.


The downward trend continues in the EU

Economic weakness will remain in the second half of the year, CaixaBank analysts say. Consumer confidence fell again in the third quarter of the year. The IMF also lowered its growth forecasts.