Repsol enters Acteco’s capital with 27% stake

Repsol Strategic Plan

Renta 4 | Repsol has bought 27% of Acteco, which specialises in the pickup, management and recycling of waste in Spain, specifically plastics. With the acquisition of this stake, the oil and gas company has guaranteed the supply of waste which will be used in the manufacturing of low emission products. Repsol continues to bet on the circular economy. No financial details of the transaction have been revealed.

With Repsol as its partner, Acteco will be able to double its capacity for recycling plastics in the next 5 years. The two companies have been collaborating for 5 years, promoting new models based on the circular economy and centred on the recovery of polymers once the useful life of these products is over. This model looks to reinsert the polymers into new, high valued-added products for sectors like the automotive, health, construction, packaging and infrastructures.

In 2018, the two companies signed an agreement in which they committed to increasing productive capacity at Acteco’s plant in Alicante, Ibi. The products developed in that plant also formed part of Repsol’s Reciclex range.


Neutral impact. Repsol continues to bet on decarbonisation, the circular economy and the company’s vertical integration. It is driving forward with the goal of reaching 20% of the production of polyolefins for 2030.

We reiterate our OVERWEIGHT recommendation, with a Target Price of 18,9 euros/share.

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.