Equities The equities trading volume in the Spanish Stock Exchange totalled €641.76 bn to the end of November, down 26% on the same period last year. In November, the trading volume reached €42.27 bn, down 38% year on year.
The number of equity trades in the first eleven months of the year totalled 38.5 million, down 10% year-on-year. In November the number of trades reached 2.2 million, down 33% on the same month a year earlier.
The trading volume posted by the ETF segment to the end of November was 20% down on the same period in 2011, at €2.54 bn. The trading volume on the ETF segment reached €132.8 million in November, down 27.8% from the same period a year earlier.
The number of ETF trades from January to November reached 52,175, up 28% on the same period last year. In November the number of trades reached 3,135, down 2% on the same period in 2011.
Futures and Options The number of contracts traded in the first eleven months of the year totaled 60.2 million, up 1.5% from the same period in 2011. In November trading on BME’s Derivatives Market, MEFF, came in at 3.2 million contracts, down 42% from the same period a year earlier.
It is worth mentioning the heavy trading in Options on Indices, with 3.6 million contracts traded to the end of November, up 90% from the same period a year earlier. In November, trading in this segment came in at 421,817 contracts, double the amount registered in November last year.
Warrants and Certificates The number of warrants admitted to trading to the end of November was 6,708. The trading volume to November on this market came in at €736 million, 52% down from the same period last year. The trading volume in November came in at €50.3 million, down 63% from the same month in 2011.
In the first eleven months the number of trades came in at 190,695, down 33% from the same month a year earlier while the figure for November came in at 13,665 trades, down 50% from November 2011.
Fixed Income Corporate Debt trading in November totaled €174.82 bn, down 53.6% from the same period a year earlier, although trading to maturity this month was 14.2% higher than in November 2011. The trading volume to the end of November totaled €2.3 trillion, down 53.6% year on year.
The number of trades in this market to the end of November reached a record high, exceeding, for the first time, a million trades (1,067,307), up 73.7% from the same period in 2011. In November the number of trades was 105,430, more than double the amount registered in November last year.
New issues in the first eleven months totalled €310.07 billion, up 32% from the same period last year. In November new issues came in at €19.28 billion, down 18.8% year on year.
The outstanding balance at the end of November was €869.50 billion, up 0.2% from a year earlier.
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