This week the European Commission published the 2016 Consumer Markets Scoreboard, which reflects consumers’ ratings of how 42 goods and services markets work. This data shows that markets performance has improved since the last time a similar survey was done in 2014.
In fact the most important progress has been made in the supply of financial services thanks to recent legislative initiatives in areas such as payment accounts and mortgage lending.
According to the press release:
“We can see from this year’s Scoreboard that consumer-friendly rules, market reforms, as well as effective enforcement of consumer rules, have made consumers more confident in the markets”, said Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality. “We must keep this encouraging trend going, especially for markets that still underperform, like telecoms and energy. That’s why consumers are at the heart of the Commission’s priority projects, like the Digital Single Market and the Energy Union.”consumer-friendly rules, market reforms, as well as effective enforcement of consumer rules, have made consumers more confident in the markets”.
*Image: Flickr / Juan Asuaje