Home In Europe
Posted By: Victor Jimenez
30th October 2012
Full house to attend the German vice-chancellor's lecture.
Good afternoon all. We're going to be live-tweeting highlights from the
#lserosler event from 1pm today. Hope you can tune in!
Waiting for vice-chancellor Rösler to arrive… anticipation is building!
#LSERosler pic.twitter.com/EXZLZEyr
#LSERosler Craig Calhoun: “this lecture couldn't be more timely (regarding euro zone problems)”
#LSERosler pic.twitter.com/2OrImVwF
#LSERosler Rosler: “Only liberalism can help Europe”
Rosler: “I am convinved that eurozone reforms will lead to stability and growth union”
#LSERosler “I'm confident the reforms introduced are in the right path towards economic recovery”
Roesler now talking about importance of compromise in europe
#LSERosler : the EU is not about cherry picking…. Hint: he may have meant the UK…
#LSERosler “The member countries must be resolute when consolidating their budgets” (you listening, Spain/Italy?”
#LSERosler the structural causes cannot be remedied by debt-fuelled spending // It is a bit like sport: You cannot achieve it via doping
#LSERosler Vice chancellor linking today solutions' validity to their success in Germany 10 years ago.
“Joining a fitness club is not enough, you actually have to go and exercise”
#LSERosler #wisdom
Roesler talking about importance of tough reforms for economic success. I havent seen any in the last 3 years…
Rösler: “Structural causes of eurozone crisis cannot be remedied through more debt”
#LSERosler : Greek support payments should be administered via an escrow account to increase transparency
#LSERosler outlines vision of liberal europe, calls for labour market reform and fiscal responsibility to restore confidence
#LSERosler “Ireland is a good example” of reforms and budget cuts having the right effect…
Rösler: “Single market remains best long term growth plan for Europe”
Rösler: “Eurozone not doing enough to implement existing rules – new proposals only make sense if reinforce current procedures”
Roesler: we have enough rules in europe, but need to implement them
“If you want to be fit, you actually have to turn up to the fitness club”
#lseRosler , about the structural reforms that must be implemented.
Classic liberal mantra now: trade creates jobs
#LSERosler “Country members must show their responsibility” (no relief for Madrid/Rome)
'centralism' not the solution for europe according to Roesler
Question: “Where would you draw line on monetary financing?”
#LSERosler pic.twitter.com/3qYXEVva
Roesler speaking german with translator now. Excuse: if he would chose the wrong words in english, ppl in germany would be mad
Rösler: “Bond purchases are not alternative to structural reforms -ECB will continue in its task”
Question: “If Greece leaves euro, would they have to leave EU as well?”
Rösler: “Fiscal compact means structural reforms will take place, but will take time. Situation different to 2010”
#LSERosler Rösler dodges the question of Greece leaving the euro and/or the eu as is appropriate for his profession.
Rösler: “Many EU member states not eurozone members”
A euro Grexit need not mean Greece leaves the European Union
#LSERosler – good news!
Dr Rosler vice chancellor germany at APCO / LSE lecture #LSERosler pic.twitter.com/XnG76dzp
#LSERosler says that the EU needs more integration and a renounciation of national sovereignity to EU levels pertaining new rules
#LSERosler If markets are listening, expect Spanish/Italian sovereign bond yields to spike like rockets..!
What about a United States of Europe superstate? Rösler: the rules could be tightened further…
Question:”Germany has given huge bailouts to banks – how can banking system be changed?”
#LSERosler First fix the structures, then pump them up with money, says clearly translator.
Rösler: “Need structural reforms, can't pump money into rotten structures”
Rösler: “Haven't just given money to banks, required them to restructure, e.g. Landesbank building society”
#LSERosler pic.twitter.com/12QptEHJ
Question: “Does Germany only take measures when it has to?”
Roesler: fighting crisis with central bank leads to inflation. I take that point, but is inflation an absolute evil?
Rösler: “Our way is not only way. We worry QE can fuel inflation, right way is budget consolidation”
Roesler says Germany's ideas on the debt crisis and their structural reform packages have shown results
Roesler: german governmenr hasnt used phrase 'without alternative' in 2 years. Laughs again
#LSERosler In cockney we'd say Rosler is giving euro peripheral governments a lot of attitude…
Question from LSE Hellenic Soc: “Is Germany asking for economic obedience and is it right to disregard social impacts?”
#LSERosler In Spain, as in Portugal, as in Greece… governments need to do their homework.
Broken promises in euro zone reforms; not answering social implications of the reforms
The new Greek government needs to start on implementing the agreed reforms especially re a KFW-like bank, says Roesler
Rösler: “Made agreements with Greece on competitiveness, but agreements were not done in practice”
#LSERosler Rosler complaining euro peripheral governments relax fiscal tightening whenever helped to lower markets pressure.
Rösler: “We see social difficulties, but if we relax reform situation will be even worse in 2/3 years”
#LSERosler “Europe for me is much more than an economic area”
Roesler: europe more than just a common market. We have common values
#LSERosler pic.twitter.com/Tho8SR6T
#LSERosler End of the lecture. Tough declarations, tough stand.
Great lecture by German Vice-chancellor and Minister of Economics Dr. Rösler on competitiveness in Europe #LSERosler pic.twitter.com/dwxXIfdE
Germany is still wary of inflation, looks like austerity won't abate
London contributor at thecorner.eu, reporting about the City and the Eurozone economies. He regularly writes for Spanish newspaper group Prensa Ibérica--some of his features include shared work with journalists of The Daily Telegraph and the BBC.