Business insolvencies have registered, as of September 2022, the highest increase in that month in the last 10 years. A total of 718 insolvencies have been recorded, 90.5% more than in the same period of 2021, reaching a cumulative figure in 2022 of 4,237 insolvencies filed. Until May, we were in an ‘anaesthetised’ situation in the filing of insolvency proceedings, with a negative annual accumulated figure of 7.3%. However, from June onwards, this trend has changed, with percentage increases occurring in this quarter, reaching a cumulative growth of 11.1% in September. These are some of the main conclusions of the analysis carried out by Solunion and published in the newspaper El Economista.
This acceleration, influenced by the macroeconomic deterioration in certain sectors, is mainly due to the end of the insolvency moratorium at the end of June and the need to file voluntary insolvency proceedings in the following months.