Bankinter | On 20 March Vidrala (VID) will join the Stoxx Europe 600, according to the changes announced on March 1.
The glass packaging company has a market capitalisation of €3,020m and accumulated a 22.3% revaluation in the year. 2022 results showed sales of €1,345.6m (+24.1% YoY), while EBITDA amounted to €270.4m (+1% year-on-year) and EPS 4.97% (+6.9% year-on-year). Net financial debt amounted to €167.2m and although it increased by +€71.2m in the year, it represents 0.6x EBITDA.
Vidrala paid a dividend of €1.1639/share in 2022 (RpD 1.2%), plus a +€0.04 share premium and a 5% bonus issue in December. In addition, two share buyback programmes were carried out and redeemed, bringing the number of shares at the end of the year to 30.73M acc (+2.9% year-on-year). 1.2221/share was proposed for 2023 (+5% year-on-year, i.e. RpD 1.2%), the interim portion of which was distributed on February 15.