Vidrala to join Stoxx Europe 600 on March 20


Bankinter | On 20 March Vidrala (VID) will join the Stoxx Europe 600, according to the changes announced on March 1.

The glass packaging company has a market capitalisation of €3,020m and accumulated a 22.3% revaluation in the year. 2022 results showed sales of €1,345.6m (+24.1% YoY), while EBITDA amounted to €270.4m (+1% year-on-year) and EPS 4.97% (+6.9% year-on-year). Net financial debt amounted to €167.2m and although it increased by +€71.2m in the year, it represents 0.6x EBITDA.

Vidrala paid a dividend of €1.1639/share in 2022 (RpD 1.2%), plus a +€0.04 share premium and a 5% bonus issue in December. In addition, two share buyback programmes were carried out and redeemed, bringing the number of shares at the end of the year to 30.73M acc (+2.9% year-on-year). 1.2221/share was proposed for 2023 (+5% year-on-year, i.e. RpD 1.2%), the interim portion of which was distributed on February 15.

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The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.