MADRID | According to data published by the Spanish Association of the Solar Power Industry, and published today by the digital newspaper El Confidencial, once again in 2011 Spain is the country with the most thermosolar energy power installed in the world.
“Spain has 1,100 MW installed, just over twice the amount installed in the US, the second market in the world where some national companies, such as Abengoa, are responsible for the development of different plants.
“The 1000 MW limit was surpassed in the second half of 2011. This quota, that at the end of the year will have reached 1,102.4 MW, was possible thanks to the start up of operations in six new solar power plants, all in Andalusia.
“In total, Spain has 42% of its potential thermosolar park functioning and pouring the production of electrical energy into the whole system. These record figures still can go much further since the Ministry of Industry gave permission for the creation 61 plants as reported by the specialized web Energías Renovables, which means that an additional 1,152 MW are in the construction phase and will be coming onto the market in the next few years.
“No other country in the world has reached such levels thus confirming the decisive focus on the production of solar energy.
“Not even the top western economic powers such as Germany (leader photovoltaic development), France (first producer of nuclear power), Australia or Italy, nor emerging countries that have not been affected by the crisis as in the case of India, UAE, or Mexico, that can rely on optimal weather conditions to implement this kind of renewable technologies have.”
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