Search Results for ECB

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Bankinter: “Germany has too much to lose if the euro breaks down”

By Consenso del Mercado | After the difficulties Germany experienced in placing its bonds last week, it seems to have somehow relaxed its official position and be willing to let the ECB buy the required massive amounts of sovereign debt, even though under certain conditions. In this regard, Spanish Bankinter analysts argue that Germany is the country that would be the least interested in a euro breaking down. Here´s why….

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JP Morgan: “France-Germany spread is the highest of all times”

On Thursday Spain had to pay 6.975% interest to borrow money at 10 years: a spread of 480bp against the German rate. It is the highest rate Spain has had to pay since it became part of the euro zone. However, analysts at JP Morgan remarked that France’s differential compared to Germany’s “is not only the highest since the euro exists, but the highest of all time.” On the other…

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“Risk premiums of 12 euro countries beat Spain’s in May 2010”

By Julia Pastor, in Madrid | The European debt crisis is not just the result of the rescued euro zone member countries, neither a problem worsened by the two southern-Europe biggest economies, namely Spain and Italy. According to a report appeared on Wednesday in El País “the risk premium of 12 countries out of the the 17 states adhered to the single currency has reached not only a record high,…