Search Results for rajoy

Mariano Rajoy

PM Rajoy will appear before Parliament

MADRID | By JP Marín Arrese | Even if the Socialist Party is bound to fail as the ruling party holds a comfortable majority, it could expose Mr Rajoy to a damaging debate. He should overcome his inner reluctance to tell his truth on this scandal, going to Parliament on his own.

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Spanish pensions should be taken seriously, Mr Rajoy

Wages decline has put Spain back in the beginning of the century. But the warning sign for the country are citizens’ pensions: crucial for the most defenseless. Both President Mariano Rajoy and the Spanish society have an enormous stake in social welfare.

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Despite domestic turmoil, Rajoy is right

Unless those having more ample room to invigorate their demand do so, we are bound for a long period of strenuous struggles to undertake a painful real adjustment with no firm assurances the sacrifices attached to it  may work.