Search Results for QE

EU ministers

Euroland’s inability to deliver growth

The austerity trap. That’s the price to pay for an asymmetric scheme that fails to impose any discipline on those, like Germany, equipped with comfortable margins of manoeuvre for increasing their domestic demand.

Federal Reserves Bernanke and ECBs Draghi

US Federal Reserve’s historical decision

Mr Draghi, governor at the European Central Bank, should listen to his American colleague at the Federal Reserve. And follow suit by means of expnasionary monetary policies even if inflation reaches 4 percent.


Canada’s banking system: A poster boy?

Discretion advice: If you are an European businessman struggling to get credit, or a US home buyer looking for a reasonable interest rate mortgage, this may hurt your feelings: Canada’s banks are lending money.

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Corporate bonds gain positions

Corporate bond markets are still buoyant, according to CaixaBank analysts. Many firms, taking advantage of this renewed appetite for risk, have intensified the rate they issue debt.

Europe crisis

The Euro won’t break up, yet Europe might collapse

MADRID | Will European leaders ever jointly move forward? The more the global economy slows down and recession looms too over core euro zone countries, the farther Europe finds itself from agreeing in letting the central bank do its work.


Euro volatility falls to new lows

MADRID | The European economy desperately seeks ways to boost its recovery. Could it be so simple as to get a weaker euro, after all? wonders economist JP Marín Arrese.