

Further policy easing to support China’s property downturn

MADRID | The Corner | The biggest uncertainty for China’s economy now and in 2015 is the nature and duration of the ongoing property downturn. Following a sharp drop in the beginning of 2014, Chinese property construction has shown signs of improvement in recent months as policies have been increasingly relaxed. Both have provided support for the economy and property related stocks, with the latter rallying by 17% from trough levels. However, UBS analysts expect that the property downturn will weigh more heavily on growth in Q4 and 2015.

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BIS head: from ignoring the Spanish bubble risks to ignore deflation

MADRID | By Luis Arroyo | You probably know Jaime Caruana. He is an inept who ignored the warning signals of the Spanish bubble although as the central bank governor he was the main responsible for it. And now that he is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) head and Spain’s housing prices have declined by 40% on average according to property valuer Tinsa, he disregards deflation risks.


Germany must let the ECB print euros as soon as possible, says Nordkapp

By Tania Suárez, in Madrid | Pablo Diez, from the asset management department at Nordkapp, explained in a conversation with The Corner that Spain’s unemployment ratio distorts the image the market has about the country’s economy as a whole, and investors believe Spain is at higher risk of default than other euro peripheral countries. He also said that “Spain should be provided with an injection of money issued by the European Central…