

Cheap euro boosts Spanish exports

MADRID | May 22, 2015 | By Francisco López | The Spanish economy is beating new records mainly thanks to external factors. According to the latest data, exports of goods totalled €23.2 billion in March, the best monthly figure since 1971. The euro price fall has been crucial.

germany growth

German economy getting stronger

The Corner| April 9, 2015 | Strong figures from German industry will offer further encouragement to EU policymakers that the economic recovery is now on the right track. German industrial production grew by 0.2%, beating expectations of a 0.1% rise. The increase in industry excluding energy and construction was 0.5% according to latest data from the Bundesbank.

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Russia represents 1.1% of Spanish exports

MADRID | The Corner | The Russian market represents a low proportion of the Eurozone’s goods exports: below 3% for the major economies. In the case of Spain, the percentage is just 1.1%. According to experts at Afi, a decrease in the amount of Russian tourists arriving in Spain could have an impact on the Spanish economy. After all, its current contribution to the sector is just (2.4%), but before last summer, Russian tourism was a spur to Spanish tourism. 

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Eurozone absorbs 50% of the Spanish exports

MADRID | The Corner | One of the risks of the Spanish economy is the significant lost of dynamism in the Eurozone. The latest data of the balance of trade published on Monday explain such fear. Thus, the Spanish exports registered last September a year-on-year rate of 9.6% (-5.1% from the previous month).

china landing

China: How a soft landing feels

BEIJING | By Michael Gavin (Barclays) | There are many reasons to be interested in the slowdown of the Chinese economy. Here, we focus on the potential implications for advanced manufacturing economies. They are not the ones with the most to lose in a slowdown; that distinction very likely belongs to commodity exporters. But China’s systemic significance is such that no economy is likely to remain utterly unscathed by a cyclical event there. The question is how scathed major economies will be, and the answer is of some considerable interest for investors, if only because they comprise such a large share of the world’s financial assets.

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Further depreciation of the Euro due to poor eurozone data

MADRID | By Francisco López | The latest movements within currency markets function as a gauge of the economic momentum in both Europe and the US. The decline of the Euro against the Dollar has increased in the last few days due to poor macroeconomic data in the eurozone, which is in sharp contrast with the vigour shown by the US (who showed growth of 3.5% in the third quarter of 2014).