Financial sector

Spanish banks and housing market

The Importance Of Housing And The Mortgage System In Spain

Spain’s mortgage system, which is one of the cheapest and with the best financing conditions in Europe, has allowed more than 80% of families to own their own home. So a priority should be put on maintaining the system’s characteristics, in terms of depth and stability.


Patronomics: more than Chinese railways

UBS | We believe China and Japan will play significant roles as regional economic patrons over the next few years. We estimate the amount of patro – dollars, namely China’s outward direct investment in the ‘One Belt One Road’ regions, will exceed US$200bn in 2016 – 18.


Durao Barroso points to Bank of Spain’s “serious mistakes” in supervising crisis

SANTANDER | By Ana Fuentes | European Commission President José Manuel Durao Barroso chose his last days in the job to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. Surprising many by his candor, he directly accused the Bank of Spain of making “important mistakes” supervising the financial sector. “It was not the EU nor Ms Merkel who originated the crisis,” he said.

EU troika blesses Spanish financial system status

EU troika Blesses Spanish Financial System Status

MADRID | By Carlos Díaz Güell | The European Union troika paid a visit to Spain and concluded that the country’s banking sector “progresses satisfactorily”. Although the final report will not be unveiled until November, first impressions are promising and represent the gateway of the 2014 stress tests.


Japanese Banks Are Back

The Corner Team via the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) | Japanese banks have recently become once again the biggest suppliers of cross-border bank credit, as they used to be in the 80s. The severe banking crisis of the 1990s, along with banking deregulation in the archipelago, reversed their expansion, the last BIS report points out. Their market share reached a low in 2007 before rebounding.