
greek banks

How Greek banks were left on the brink

ATHENS | June 22, 2015 | By Manos Giakoumis via MacroPolis | Almost a year ago, Greek banks successfully raised 8.3 billion euros in capital increases, which were over 1.5 times subscribed amid strong interest – primarily from international institutional investors. 


Better red than dead

MADRID | June 21, 2015 | By JP Marín Arrese | Bertrand Russell coined this famous phrase when the cold war nuclear escalation threatened the survival of the human race. A useful tip for intractable confrontations where sanguine sentiments lead conflicting sides to prefer collective ruin rather than reaching a compromise. The Greek imbroglio is a good example.


Don’t give up on politics!

MADRID | June 18, 2015 | By Luis Martí | The negotiating tactics of the Greek government can only be understood against the backdrop of an impossible set of electoral promises –impossible, that is, unless the government gained access to an unlimited inflow of financial resources from abroad at no charge. This not being the case, President Tsipras has to act within a constrained framework. 

A ghost train

Greece rides the ghost train

ATHENS | June 15, 2015 | By Nick Malkoutzis via MacroPolisGreece’s negotiations with its lenders over the last few days have been more like a ride on the ghost train than a roller coaster, producing moments of sheer panic punctuated by brief spells that allow the palpitations to subside. 

Map and compass

A roadmap to decode Greece negotiations

LONDON | June 10, 2015 | By Antonio Garcia Pascual and Nikolaos Sgouropoulos (Barclays) | We think there are at least two critical issues outstanding: 1) agreeing on credible fiscal measures to achieve a primary surplus of c. 1% of GDP; and 2) fast-track pension reforms to reduce costs and increase the effective retirement age (currently 59).