sanctions to Russia


Sanctions on Russia? The current account surplus rose to USD 110.3 billion in May 2022, up 244% from May 2021

Crédito y Caución (Atradius) | Owing to the war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia, Eastern Europe is likely to see a 0.6% contraction of GDP in 2022, followed by 1.1% growth in 2023. We forecast that the economy of Russia will contract by 8.0% in 2022, followed by another 2.8% decline in 2023. Sanctions deprive Russia of much-needed industrial components. On the other hand, Russia still exports large quantities…

rusia energia

Russia’s Dependence On Raw Materials Goes Beyond Oil And Natural Gas: Nickel, Palladium, Platinum, Wheat, Corn,…

Intermoney | The EU cannot replace Russian energy supplies in the short term since, in a normal year, as was 2019, 46.7% of the solid fuels, 41.1% of the natural gas and 26.9% of the oil it imported came from Russia. Figures that are biased upwards by Germany, given that, for example, in 2021, 42.83% of Spain’s natural gas exports came from Algeria compared to the 8.91% that came from…


In depth- Russia: sanctions for peace

BRUSSELS | By Jacobo de Regoyos | Europe’s 28 have unanimously requested at their recent summit to the Commission to prepare new economic sanctions against Russia, which will be triggered if the tension in Eastern Ukraine is not reduced. “Further significant steps,” is written on the statement. But nobody really knows how far can go the difficult consensus knitting machine that the European Union has become, divided between the dread to Russia felt by Eastern countries and the economic interests that grip the continental West. (Note from the editor: The cartoon above was published in Chinese official newspaper China Daily).

russia sanctions

Risk: Geography trumps Economy

WASHINGTON | By Pablo Pardo | Geopolitics have returned with a vengeance in Europe right when Barack Obama’s economist view of international relations seemed to be on track with the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The IMF warns that geopolitical risk is back on stage.