German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble sought to turn the tables on critics of his fiscal-discipline push, saying he’s actually the better Keynesian.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble sought to turn the tables on critics of his fiscal-discipline push, saying he’s actually the better Keynesian.
MADRID | The Corner | Berlin is sticking to a rigid budgetary policy, prioritizing a 2015 balanced budget instead of growth. And hard liners aren’t just willing to make any move. As German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble defended on Tuesday during a budget debate in Parliament: “We are not in a recession. We are not in an economic crisis,” Schäuble said, “Our economy is almost working at normal capacity.” Germany narrowly avoided a recession in the third quarter, growing by 0.1 percent, thanks to a sharp rise in private consumption (0.7 percent quarter-on-quarter, the biggest rise in three years) that compensated the lack of investment.
BERLIN | Alberto Lozano | While German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble preaches public budget consolidation all around the Eurozone, some Länder don’t seem to be taking his prescriptions seriously. Their deficits continue to grow in 2014 and moving away from the zero deficit goal in 2020 as required by the country’s constitution.