stress tests


Only Bankinter Exceeds The Average Capital Ratio Of European Banks, 11.2% Compared To 10.2%

Banca March | European banks have passed the stress tests with good marks. In Spain, the ratio is slightly below the average, at 8.95%. Of the four domestic institutions analyzed, only Bankinter with a ratio of 11.2% exceeded the European average. Santander’s ratio was 9.3% and BBVA’s was 8.7%. The worst performance was that of Banco Sabadell with a ratio of 6.5%, ahead only of Italy’s Monte dei Paschi and HSBC.

stress test recursoTC

Do the ECB’s stress tests results change anything for EU banks?

MADRID | The Corner | The ECB’s comprehensive assessment showed positive results, yet not sufficiently positive for banks to increase risk and lending. So no, stress tests were not a clearing event and we are not entering a new era as some have said. Which makes it harder for policy makers to rely on bankers for economic growth. This scenario “will likely add to pressures for greater structural reform in Europe,” analysts at Barclays believe.

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Spanish banks pass most stringent stress tests to date with no capital shortfalls

MADRID | The Corner | The ECB did not find any capital shortfall in the Spanish banks, which all passed the highly awaited central bank’s stress tests. Results made public on Sunday reveal that 25 European lenders failed while the other 105 succeeded. Among the big fish only the Italian Monte dei Paschi, the world’s oldest, appears in the failure list. Those 25 European entities will have to face €24.6 billion capital shortfall, but considering 13 of them have already issued part ot these capital needs, they will only reach €9 billion.

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Spanish banks: The sun is back but not for everyone yet

ZURICH | By Ignacio Sanz at UBS | GDP expectations continue to improve, NPLs are starting to come down although we do not expect write-backs for any bank, capital looks comfortable ahead of AQR and banks show a healthy funding while underwriting new deposits at c0.5-0.7%. The market knows all that with banks trading north of 1x NAV15e although for retail banks making more than 10% ROE with 0% rates is challenging.

stress tests

The 1,697 ‘less significant entities’ of the German banking sector

BERLIN | By Alberto Lozano| This November, the European Central Bank will assume its new banking supervisory responsibilities. Firstly, on 26th October the ECB will publish results of comprehensive assessments that will determine the financial health of 120 banks in the Eurozone. These tests cover approximately 85% of total bank assets. But what about the remaining 3,532 small banks of the euro area?

greek banks

Greek banks may soon breathe sigh of relief on capital needs

ATHENS | By Manos Giakoumis via MacroPolis | Greek banks are always at the forefront of domestic market developments. Despite the strong rebound of 6.4 percent on Friday, their shares still recorded cumulative losses of 7.8 percent last week and 23.9 percent over the past three months. Concerns about the outcome of the upcoming comprehensive assessment European Central Bank are one of the key factors weighing on investors’ minds. 

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ECB will push for DTA to be replaced by core capital

MADRID | The Corner | The ECB doesn’t like the idea of allowing banks to use Deferred Tax Assets (DTA) to boost their capital buffers, a practice that was meant to be phased out under new European Union rules. The central lender fears that losses would be imposed on taxpayers should entities run into trouble in the coming years, as the WSJ reported. Even if the ECB doesn’t have the power to change that, and is not likely to make any move before the upcoming stress tests, it might push for DTA to be replaced by core capital.