
Treasury’s “reform” of tax system in tatters

The Treasury has managed to salvage what the Government describes as a “tax reform” in the final moments, although it is more of a new tax increase that will raise revenue by about €10.5 billion a year. The most significant change is for banks, which will not be taxed on profits but on revenues: it taxes the interest margin and commissions. This is not an extraordinary levy like the one…


Oil companies and financial entities gain support of Junts and PNV to stop Government plans to make extraordinary tax permanent

In light of the evident opposition from PNV and Junts to maintaining the ‘impuestazo’ on energy companies and banks, the First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, admitted this Thursday that if the Government does not have ‘sufficient’ support in Congress, it will not be able to continue with these extraordinary taxes approved during the pandemic. Therefore, the ministry is working on reformulating the tax: it wants…

spain tax collection

Personal income tax return campaign starts today with undeflated rates that will knock another point off Spanish incomes

Taxpayers face the 2022 income tax return campaign that starts today with the decrease in real salary caused by the generalised rise in prices (8.5% in 2022) and the cold progressivity of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF), that is, what they are going to have to pay extra for the rise in salaries, despite having a lower real salary. Deflating the personal income tax brackets by 8.5% to adjust them…

Madrid Gran Via2

Ireland exposes Spain’s closed-mindedness on Wealth Tax

Luis Alcaide | The international press is talking about 100,000 Chinese investors willing to leave part of their capital in Ireland to continue their residence in the country. The attraction is simple: one million euros in investment funds or two million euros in equity investments, with a commitment to maintain them for three years. A stay of one day per year is sufficient. Chinese from Hong Kong and the Republic…


The Valencian President Of The PSOE Disregards Sánchez; Also Cuts Income Tax, Like The PP

The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, plans to save 150 million euros (3.6% of tax revenue) for 1.34 million Valencian taxpayers (97.4% of the total) with a retroactive reduction in personal income tax, an increase in the minimum exemptions and a 10% rise in all regional tax deductions. The reduction is more ambitious than the PP’s deflations, very focused on reducing wealth, and contrasts with the Treasury’s refusal,…


Taxing Seldom Provides A Winning Ticket

J.P. Marín-Arrese | The ruling coalition in Spain faces a dim prospect in the coming elections next year. According to the polls, the main Opposition party, bolstered by its new leadership, is poised to snatch a comfortable victory. It seems even close to securing an overall majority, counting on a helping hand from the extreme right and some minor partners. To ward off the danger of a crushing defeat, the…

spain tax collection

Spain Leads OECD In Raising Tax Burden As Government Considers Higher Taxes

Spain is the country of the 34 that make up the OECD in which the tax burden is increasing the most. In 10 years, tax revenues have risen from 31.3% to 36.6% of GDP. According to the latest report published on Wednesday by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which brings together the most advanced economies on the planet, the tax burden grew by 1.9 percentage points in 2020…

Calviño raises fiscal deficit targets

The Government Will Explain Today The New Tax On The Banking Sector

The Government plans to hold a meeting this Friday with representatives of the banking sector in which it will address, among other issues, the new temporary tax on the sector announced by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, which will last for two years and will seek to raise a total of 3,000 million. Although the meeting does not revolve around this extraordinary tax, the details of which are…


Taxes and occurrences

Fernando González Urbaneja | Taxes are the price of civilisation. They are mandatory, obligatory, because if they were not, potential taxpayers would avoid them with personal excuses. Tax theory rejects taxes that are aimed at specific activities. The doctrine says that good taxes are generalist, easy to understand, easy to collect and equitable. And the fiscal disorder comes when it becomes complicated, when exceptions, allowances, tax reliefs and other types…

spain tax collection

The Treasury Refuses To Deflate Taxes And The State Increases Revenue By 20% As The Economy Slows Down

The Spanish state has collected 54.749 billion euros up to March, almost 10 billion more than in the same period last year. This is despite the fact that GDP then grew by 2.2% compared to the previous quarter, while this year it has barely grown by three tenths of a percentage point. The historic rise in inflation is filling the public coffers thanks to the fact that tax revenues in…