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Do not be scared by these maximum levels!

MADRID | Ofelia Marín-Lozano | Stock markets are at maximum levels, but this is somehow tricky: such levels usually cause vertigo, whereas minimum levels lead to appetence for indebtedness and need to look for higher risk alternatives for investors who seek the actual yield.

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Thursday’s charts: dumb bets

Luis Arroyo, in Madrid | Greece was in free fall mode when at the European Central Bank they had the funny idea of pushing the country …downwards. The ECB said it had frozen all operations with Greek banks, which already are suffering a killing capital drain: “Central bank head George Provopoulos told Papoulias that Greeks have withdrawn as much as €700 million ($891 million) and the situation could worsen, according to the transcript…

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Italy and Spain gain easier access to credit markets

By Julia Pastor, in Madrid | The hangover following the second LTRO round has brought no headaches, so far. Analysts at the Spanish bank Sabadell have described as ‘very positive’ the €530 billion demanded to the ECB last Wednesday, as well as the increase of the participating European financial entities to 800. “It can be said that attending these auctions is not a stigma anymore,” say the experts. Furthermore, they…

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Demand exceeds Spain’s bond sale

MADRID | The Spanish Treasury once again took advantage of the moderation of the interest rates and the high demand to place €5,639.92 million in bonds, more than expected, with the intention of preventing a more complicated situation in 2012, according to Bank of Spain data. The Treasury’s expectations were exceeded for the third consecutive time in December since it was hoping to obtain between €3,500 and €4,500 million. More…