In Europe

European Council

Europe’s moment of truth

BRUSSELS | By Ann Mettler | The worst response to the Italian elections would be not to speak the truth, to cave in to the idea that somehow “austerity” is to blame for the current woes, that once again breaking the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact would somehow improve the situation.

Turkey EU

The Turkish impasse

ISTANBUL | Although a member of numerous regional and international organisations, Turkey is still not in the EU, despite negotiations dating back some 50 years.  wonders if the the country has missed its chance to become anything more than an auxiliary to US foreign policy in the Middle East.

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Portugal shouted ‘enough’!

From | By Daniel Oliveira | More than a million people of all ages took to the streets of Portugal on March 2 to demand an end to austerity. The growing discontent could bring down the political system that has been in place since the fall of the dictatorship.


Let’s welcome exemplary Latvia

BRUSSELS | by Eberhard RheinThe three Baltic countries have managed a remarkable transition from being part of the Soviet Union to proud EU member countries that are also proud to be “Nordic countries” with responsible attitudes towards public administration and finances.

Russian energy monopoly

Is Russian energy monopoly behind Bulgaria’s government crisis?

By Ognyan Minchev, non-resident fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States’ Balkan Trust for Democracy | The clash between the Russian oligarchic model of economic and political control and a Western-style democratic system produces structural instability in the Eastern part of Europe, which may prove a strategic challenge for the EU.