In Europe

Van Rompuy

A flawed Berlin-dictated Euro-governance

MADRID | Germany is taking advantage of other euro zone partner’s feebleness to impose its credo. It aims to firmly anchor the fiscal compact initiative it has so forcefully battled for.

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Draghi’s inconceivable cynicism

MADRID | European Central Bank governor Mario Draghi may retain more power than presidents and Economy ministers of the euro area country members, but does he has the same insight? Not at all. The entire EU is condemned to recession.

gianni pittella

Enough austerity, says Vice-President of the EU Parliament Gianni Pittella

The Member States discussed over the text on the banking union to be adopted by the Council of Finance Ministers on December 4th. It’s an issue that the Vice-President of the Parliament, Gianni Pittella, has followed closely. In an interview on the eve of the Commission’s vote, he shares his views with Presseurop.

Medieval painting

Separatism is dragging Europe back to the Middle Ages

Bulgarian anthropologist Ivaylo Dichev wonders: How is it that Western Europe is succumbing in its turn to the forces of separatism and disintegration that were at work in Eastern Europe in the 1990s? Need we search for the reason in the irresponsible policy of regionalism advocated by the EU?

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The Banking Union risks melting down

EU has once and again proved it can only curb its dwarfing tendency when confronted to emergency situations. Let’s hope the row over the Banking Union governance is settled well before the next one.

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Greece deserves better

Constantly struggling to keep up with the austerity imposed by the Troika, Greece has managed to cut public spending much more efficiently than it’s acknowledged. Economic recovery, though, is still nowhere to be seen. The IMF is right to rethink the current policies before it is too late.