In Europe

British tabloids

How British tabloids fuel euroscepticism

PRAGUE | The EU has ruled on the curves of cucumbers, forbidden hairdressers from wearing heels, and even financed a porn film. These urban legends about decisions taken in Brussels are as endless as they are false. And they all get the kiss of life in the same place: the British tabloids.

Basque Country

The Basque secret against the crisis

By Inigo Arzac, Business Development Director for Latin America and Spain for Globalscape Software | The Basques offer us an ancient example that provides lessons for today that should be studied and remembered.

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The Ying and Yang of Economic Policy

By David Denton | The Richter Scale  The UK QE has merely allowed the banks to off load UK government debt and replace this with other government debt, helping to keep bond prices high but having no impact on the real economy, other than to keep interest rates artificially low.

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Portugal must learn to love austerity

LISBON | The Portuguese Constitutional Court’s rejection of some proposed austerity measures is the latest setback for Portugal’s government. However, this is an opportunity truly to reform the state and end the current impasse.


Long live the Republic of Europe!

By  |  | Whether political leaders or citizens, the pragmatics have failed to build a prosperous and wholly democratic EU. Now it’s the turn of the dreamers. Today, they are the true realists, write political scientist Ulrike Guérot and writer Robert Menasse.

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Can the City afford going the Thatcher way?

LONDON | The Swiss approach sounds exactly like the type of relation the eurosceptic Iron Lady wanted for Britain regarding the EU. But the path is punctuated by so many partial surrenders that it almost looks not worth the effort, the City appears to think.

Chancellor Merkel

Bail-in ring-fences German taxpayers

MADRID | Being a policy issue prominently underlined in all main German parties’ manifestos, the full safeguard bank creditors have enjoyed under past bail-out schemes seems doomed in future.