In Spain

Madrid radial highways

This Time The Financial Rescue In Spain Is For Highways

The idea of motorways which would help decongest access to Madrid began to take shape in the first half of the 1990s and the project was completed in 2000. At that time it was a win-win situation for both investors and citizens. Now these highways have gone bankrupt and will need to be rescued, which could cost the public coffers nearly 900 million euros.


OPEC cut to impact Spanish economy

Bad News For Spain: Oil Prices Over $50 bpd

OPEC’s first cut in production in eight years is not good news for the Spanish economy. Spain imports almost all the oil it consumes and has benefited enormously from the slump in the price of a barrel of this “black gold”. It’s estimated that every 10% drop in the price of oil allows for one-tenth of a percentage point improvement in Spanish GDP (1 billion euros). And the reverse is true when the price increases.

Spain's economy real recovery

Has Spain grown so much vs pre-crisis levels? Really?

Households have improved their debt levels, but the state has compensated for this. So Spain remains the most indebted country in the world, with public and private debt representing 300% of GDP. Another reason which helps explain the fact that investment is still not taking off. But what are very popular are “stock market games”.


Spain's economy growth

Spain Still Growing In Q3, But Less Strongly

Spain’s GDP grew 3.2% year-on-year in the third quarter, easing from the 3.4% registered in the previous one. But consumption slowed on a year-on-year basis from 3.2% to 2.8%, while gross fixed capital formation also showed a significant deceleration from 3.6% to 3.1% in the third quarter from a year earlier.

Spanish budget

Spain Budget Continues To Miss Opportunities

Rajoy’s minority government will face the first big challenge of its new term in office with the presentation of the 2017 State Budget. This could be a good opportunity to start from scratch and implement much needed reforms.

spanish spoken in the US

Spain’s Recovery In The Context Of Trump’s Victory

Since the beginning of 2014, the Spanish economy has been recovering from a very tough crisis – unemployment jumped from 8% in 2008 to 26% at the start of 2014 and has now fallen to 18.9%. This is in part thanks to the ECB’s extremely expansionary monetary policy and low interest rates. Now after Donald Trump’s victory, everything could become unstable.


spanish GDP

Spanish Wage Trends And Productivity Are Travel Companions

From its pre-crisis maximum level, the real value of salaries has fallen 43 billion euros, mainly in the construction sector. On the other hand, in the services sector they have risen by some 5 billion euros. Since the start of the economic recovery, wages have increased below productivity rates. This has been particularly noticeable in the manufacturing sector.


Too Many Unresolved Issues For New Spanish Energy Minister

Energy sector analysts have received Spain’s new Energy Minister with a sense of satisfaction, pointing out that most of the electricity reform has been implemented, although there are a few aspects still to be regulated. This is too simple a version coming from a sector accustomed to having a low profile. And one which, despite the latest modifications, charges Spaniards one of the most expensive electricity tariffs in Europe, according to Eurostat.

companies' profitability

Spanish Companies Are Busy, Busy: Particularly Overseas

Spanish companies like Santander, Zara, Freixenet, ACS, Repsol, Roca, Iberdrola, Abertis, Telefónica, Melia or Ferrovial, to mention only a very few, are the companies which are behind this internationalisation of our country’s economy. Over the last few years, they have given a considerable boost to the Spanish economy’s presence across the globe.