In Spain

Spanish banks and housing market

The Importance Of Housing And The Mortgage System In Spain

Spain’s mortgage system, which is one of the cheapest and with the best financing conditions in Europe, has allowed more than 80% of families to own their own home. So a priority should be put on maintaining the system’s characteristics, in terms of depth and stability.

electricity prices

Spanish Utilities Accuse The Government Of Damaging Their Reputation

The majority of the population in Spain put the blame for their excessively high electricity bills exclusively on the electricity companies which, in the end, only get paid a third of the bill for generation. This situation has enraged the companies who are more and more daring in their criticisms of the government – the current and previous ones – for their energy policies.

Spain's price competitiveness

Spain’s Competitiveness Improves As Economic Growth Strengthens

Ofelia Marín- Lozano | The productive model of the future should focus on boosting the country’s competitiveness (where education, the family, discipline and the incentive to do a good job are a necessary start). But sectors like construction should also be encouraged to recover their lost protagonism.

Spain home market

Spain’s Housing Market: The Recovery Continues, The Problems Grow

Julio Rodríguez | The economic recovery continues to boost a market which has seen prices rise 10.8% in the last three years. But this dynamism contrasts with the problems for accessing the housing market which young aspiring home owners are experiencing. A more energetic government policy is required to establish a pool of homes for rent and strengthen the creation of social housing.


Spanish trade unions

Spain No Longer Has Trade Unions And Nobody Cares

Latest reports on trade union affiliation are enough to push the top echelons of Spain’s big unions to the edge. The information available says union affiliation in Spain is at a four-decade minimum level and one of the lowest in Europe.

Spanish households energy bill

The Crazy Rise In Spanish Households’ Electricity Bill

On January 25, the rise in the wholesale price of electricity in Spain exceeded 100 euros per megawatt-hour, its record level. For many years, how electricity prices in Spain have been established has been a total nonsense, since the electricity pool functions like a marginal market. A division of the Supreme Court has decided to start proceedings to find out what the reasons are for the successive increases in electricity bills.