In the World

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BitCoin Frenzy: Revolution or Fraud?

MADRID | By Javier Flores (Asinver) | For some, BitCoin is a bubble, even a pyramidal fraud. For others it’s the future of a free market economy. Worst case scenario, BitCoin could be a bubble, even a scam like Afinsa and Forum Filatélico, the two stamp ponzi schemes that imploded in Spain some years ago. 16,000 people lost their savings.

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The (bright) Spain you won’t get in some Anglo media

NEW YORK | A group of the most important Spanish companies presented their report “Spain, land of opportunities” in New York on Wednesday. The Business Council for Competitiveness (CEC), claim to represent more than 35% of Spanish GDP and 1.7 million Spanish employees. This is their side of the story. Economic propaganda, or real data that you won’t see in the FT nor the WSJ’s front page?

Japan recession

Japan is in recession

By CaixaBank researchers | The markets welcome the central bank’s expansionary policies but the latest indicators are still weak.