The G 8 double-edge delivery on tax avoidance
MADRID | By JP Marín Arrese | The G 8 declaration doesn’t encompass any timetable to implement the tough foreseen discipline, nor a precise rule book on how turning into practice such good intentions.
MADRID | By JP Marín Arrese | The G 8 declaration doesn’t encompass any timetable to implement the tough foreseen discipline, nor a precise rule book on how turning into practice such good intentions.
Keep in mind a new concept: Lionomics. An acronym that gives name to the ambitious process of economic reform the new Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang must bring forward.
Accomplished businessman expert in global licensing for private channel HBO, James Costos may focus on fighting Spain’s exorbitant copyright infringement. If confirmed by the Senate, he will replace Alan D. Solomont.
NEW YORK | The US Supreme Court has ruled unanimously against patenting human genes. A decision expected to have a huge impact on the biotech industry: European firms may now have more leeway than their American counterparts.
BEIJING | By Qu Yunxu at Caixin | The European Commission is imposing a provisional anti-dumping tariff on Chinese solar panels until August. Beijing has launched an anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation over European wine in China. What’s behind this war?
MADRID | By Antonio Sánchez-Gijón at CapitalMadrid | Turkey protests cannot hide the country’s real problems, such as Ankara’s lost of influence in the region and the stagnation of negotiations with the EU to join the club.
BRUSSELS | After a period of pushback, proponents of austerity are retaking the intellectual high ground and promoting responsible budgeting throughout the developed world, writes Michael M. Rosen at the American Enterprise Institute magazine The American.
NEW YORK |By Ana Fuentes | Apple iOS 7, the tech giant new operating system, was unveiled this week, although for many looks like a copy from Android and Windows. What’s behind the halo of simplicity that millions of fans love? Is Apple the advance copier in a patent infringement war worldwide?
By Joao Marcus Marinho Nunes | Blog | In the Krugman versus the austerians, everybody bashes everyone because their respective agendas are diametrically opposed.
NEW YORK | Being bearish about the European Union is not fashionable anymore. Despite some shocking unemployment rates and debt loads, the old continent is still the world’s largest economy, around 30% bigger than China. Something US firms should take into account, the AmChams advices in a report recently released in New York.