Increase in capital requirements for some Spanish banks (BBVA, Sabadell, Caixabank)

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Singular Bank | The ECB revises and determines minimum capital requirements for each lender annually so that, in function of its own funds, it has an established guarantee of solvency.

In this respect, for 2023, BBVA will have to have a CET1 ratio of 8.72% (vs 8.60% in 2022) and a total capital level of 12.97% (vs 12.76%). In the case of Sabadell, the CET1 will have to be 8.65%, compared with 8.46% last year, with a total capital level of 13.09%, compared with 12.9%.

For its part, Caixabank’s CET 1 ratio will have to be 8.44%, 0,13 pp more than in 2022, with a total capital level of 12.66% versus 12.54% last year. In the case of Unicaja, the CET1 will have to be 8.27% and the total capital level 12.75% (vs 8.211% and 12.65% respectively in the previous year).

In addition, in the case of Bankinter, the requirements have remained unchanged compared to 2022, with a CET1 of 7.726% and total capital of 11.79%.

That said, at the end of Q3 2022, the Spanish banks had higher ratios than those required by the ECB for this coming year.

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.