A Period Of Political, Economic And Financial Uncertainty Is Coming Back On Italy


UBP | The large majority of the NO in points towards early elections in Italy, before the “normal” date of Q2- 2018; priority will be to rewrite the political law , to vote the 2017 budget and to continue on banks recapitalization. An interim government would probably come just in the few days after Renzi’s resignation. 

A period of political uncertainty is coming back on Italy, with rising difficulties to form a government coalition or to find a clear majority. No time for the government to engage new economic reforms in front of political uncertainties.

The ECB is prepared to give liquidities if necessary and should pay attention to avoid any fragmentation or contagion effects on bond markets, using its QE or TLTRO measures. Liquidity could prevent from any systemic risk, but politics will interfere with scheduled recapitalization process of banks.

looks already fragile and i ts performance will probably continue to lag the eurozone. The outlook remains limited and GDP growth should s tay below 1% in 2017, as consumption stays moderate. Despite reforms in labor, unemploym ent rate is still high (11%) and wage growth flat. The outlook on investment is limited and further support was expected (lower tax, incentives to innovate) from the former Renzi’s government. The political situation creates downside risks on activity in the coming quarters. 

Fiscal balance has improved, and deficit is expected to stabilize around 2.5% of GDP in 2017, and public debt at 133%. A primary budget surplus exists (around 1.5% of GDP), but it looks too small to stop public debt to continue to rise. As growth remains stuck below 1%, a strong rise in long-term interest rates will deteriorate further public financial situation and increase mechanically public debt.

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The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.