Pavel Gómez del Castillo (Crédito y Caución) | Some 26% of Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises are experiencing liquidity problems. That is what emerges from the September barometer of the General Council of Associations of Administrative Managers of Spain. According to the study, 27% of SMEs admit they have clients in arrears, 13% are not paying their creditors and 10% have defaulted with their financial institutions.
Barely 23% of SMEs have recovered their pre-pandemic situation and around 130,000 are still in technical insolvency proceedings, although they are not obliged to file for insolvency due to the insolvency moratorium. “All this period without income has had to be covered by SMEs and the self-employed by increasing indebtedness or depleting their savings. Revenues are still not at the same level as before the pandemic, so the gap has not yet closed for many companies,” explains the General Council of Administrative Managers.