Not everything is falling in Spain. Uncertaint y has triggered a surge in savings and according to data from the Bank of Spain (BdE), Spanish household deposits, which rose by 0.08% in July compared to June, amount to € 892.8 billion, up by 7.13% when compared to the same month in 2019.
Deposits by non-financial companies, which fell by 2.2% in July compared to June, amount to € 288.1 billion, up by 15.3% when compared to the same month in 2019. In addition, and also according to data from the BdE, the deposits of all residents in Spain, which fell by 0.16% in July compared with the previous month, amount to €1,502 b illion, up by 6.99% in year-on-year terms.
Finally, it should be noted that the deposits of residents in Spain and abroad, which rose by 0.1% in July compared with June, amount to €1.546 trillion, up by 7.57% in year-on-year terms.