By | The Spanish industry of capital goods (machinery and equipment that integrates the production process) increased by 1% its turnover in 2011 to €39 billion. The sector has some 2,000 companies, the vast majority of which are small and medium-sized firms. According to the National Association of Manufacturers of Capital Goods (Sercobe) last year, SMEs increased their revenues in €404 million to €26.13 billion, with a growth rate of 1.5% compared to 2010.
Large companies, those with payrolls larger than 750 employees, experienced a slight increase in sales volume during the last year and reached €12.87 billion. These companies represent about 33% of the total
turnover of the Spanish industry of capital goods.
The sector of capital goods is divided into two groups metalworking (manufacturers of pipes, structures, boilers, turbines, nuclear reactors, machine tools) and electric-electronic (motors, generators, electromedical equipment, navigation and detection). In 2011, metalworking was the one that got the highest growth with a 6.5% variation. Meanwhile, electric-electronics underwent a decrease of about -5.5% compared to 2010.
The sector of capital goods, which represents 5% of the Spanish GDP and has 175,000 jobs directly, supported the weight of its activity in foreign trade. In fact, this industry is the largest exporter of the country with a growth of 16% and a turnover of €31 billion in 2011. The European Union is the main customer for goods with an investment of €18 billion, equivalent to 57.6% share of the world's clients.