Casado Needs An Advisor

PabloCasadoPablo Casado, PP's leader

Fernando G. Urbaneja | The leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, is floundering as head of the opposition between the harsh discourse (with one eye on VOX) and the responsible one, with the other eye on Moncloa. He wants to appear as a reliable leader to govern, but also as a tough guy in the face of his adversaries. And little by little, he is sliding more towards the latter than the former, despite the fact the polls have put him in the lead for several months. It might have been expected that once he had achieved his partial objective of leading the polls, Casado would adopt a more presidential and less confrontational air, but this is not the case. There are those who think he has a problem with his closest collaborators, those who blow in his ear and prepare speeches and headlines for him (the calls that make the news).

He needs an Iván Redondo to fine-tune his strategy, the Redondo who led Albiol, Monago and Sánchez to victory. The same one who then gets fired when he realises he deserves more recognition and stumbles against the “nomenclature” of the parties, who do not appreciate powerful advisors. Casado needs someone to write his speeches and get him out of that grumpy tone of perpetual opposition.

With the change of government, for example, Casado’s speech has been typically grumpy, with a forced tone for an educated person like him. It may seem witty to say the new government is green and digital; but it is pretty stupid. Green because of inexperience and digital because of finger-pointing. How do you appoint a government if not by finger-pointing? The Prime Minister’s finger is the one that appoints because it is part of his few specific and personal powers. And green is a value judgement that applies to all ministers and governments.

From a politician with expectations and possibilities of forming a government, one would expect judgements of more substance and content, more level and more stature. Casado needs an advisor to write his scripts and guide his marketing and tactics. He should take note of his friend Isabel Díaz Ayuso, surely less equipped than Casado, but with much more instinct and better advice on what messages to transmit.

If Casado hopes to reach the goal of every opposition leader, to attain power, he will have to fine-tune his strategy, appearance and discourse; he cannot be so predictable and grumpy, for that we have Teodoro (García Egea). From the number 1 we should expect more style, scope and depth.

About the Author

Fernando Gonzalez Urbaneja
Over 30 years working in economic journalism. Fernando was founder and chief-editor at El País, general editor at the business daily Cinco Días, and now teaches at Universidad Carlos III. He's been president of the Madrid Press Association and the Spanish Federation of Press Associations. He's also member of the Spanish press complaints commission.