
The weight of investment in intangible assets draws attention in modern world

85% Of Productive Investment In Spain Remains In Tangible Assets

J.L.M. Campuzano (Spanish Banking Association) | In a modern world ever more dominated by technology and the growing digitalisation, the performance and weight of investment in intangible assets draws attention. We are talking about software and R&D, but also about data and whatever activity that generates property rights and economic competences, including publicity and staff training


Spanish Financial Sector: Digitalisation Helps Profits

Ofelia Marín-Lozano | The Spanish financial sector has made an unprecedented effort to sanitise its books: since the beginning of the crisis in 2008, sanitising and provisions (amounting to some 260 billion euros) have reduced profit margins by two thirds, according to figures from the latest annual meeting of the financial sector. The role of digitilisation replacing branches was one of the recurrent themes of the meeting.

BBVA's results in 1Q 2017

The Banks Send Out An SOS About Zero Rates And Digitalisation

Francisco López | BBVA chairman, Francisco Gonzalez, is the one who usually speaks out about the banking sector’s problems, without worrying too much about the criticisms he may receive. González was the one who most actively spoke out in international fora (in particular at the Institute of International Finance (IIF)’s spring meeting) about the bad situation of some of the savings banks, although by doing that he damaged the image of the whole Spanish banking sector.