electricity prices


How Much Will The Electricity “Carajal” Cost The State?

Fernando González Urbaneja | In colloquial language, the word “carajal” is understood as a synthesis of a mess, a tangle, confusion: all in one. And there is no better definition for the issue of electricity prices. This is occupying the media so much that they are unable to explain the reality. In turn, this is worrying the government so much that it is afraid it has stepped on a mine…


Spain Pays The Most Expensive Electricity In Europe

Spain paid an average of 88.47 euros/megawatt hour on Monday, close to the highest price of the year during the winter storm Filomena. With momentary peaks of up to 95 euros per megawatt hour. The same price was paid in Portugal – which is part of the so-called “Iberian Electricity Market” – but there the final price is lower because it applies 6% VAT, compared to 21% in Spain. In…


The Rise In Gas (+200%) And CO2 (To 45 Euros Per Tonne) Is Pushing Up The Price Of Electricity In Europe

ASE Group | The rise in the price of CO2 emissions, up 36% so far this year to 45 euros per tonne (when a year ago it was around 15 euros per tonne) and in the price of gas, up 200%, is pushing up electricity prices across the continent, both current prices and those on the futures markets. Thus, for example, in Spain, the daily price of electricity on the wholesale market for the first 15 days of April stood at 58.13 €/MWh. This is 60% higher than at the end of March and also 60% above the average for the month of April in the last 5 years. If we compare it with April of last year, in the middle of the sanitary confinement, the price rises by 229%.


Total Enters The Gas And Light Business In Spain

The French company Total has burst in to the race launched in Spain by the oil companies to offer electricity and gas services to all kinds of clients, in direct competition with the big electricity and gas companies like Endesa, Iberdrola and Naturgy.

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Is the Spanish government plundering power companies?

By Juan Pedro Marín Arrese, in Madrid | Year after year, electricity prices have been reined back below recognised costs, building up a deficit running now at €24 billion. This huge hole turned into a right to be paid back in future has suddenly been put in jeopardy. No wonder power companies are talking about daylight robbery. Are they justified in venting their anger on government? One can understand the…