
G4 central banks expanded their balance sheets by $4Tr in 4 years

MADRID | The Corner | The size of the ECB’s private asset purchase plan is an enigma. According Mr Draghi, the central lender aims to bring its balance sheet to 2012 levels, that is,  from the current €2Tr to €3Tr (March 2012). Some analysts believe he went too far in Jackson Hole and the expansion shall not exceed €450bn (see chart above). Meanwhile, the G4 central lenders have increased their balance sheets in $4Tr since 2010- Only the BoJ continues to expand it at a rate of $650bn/year. And even if the Fed starts unwinding its stimulus program in October, if we add about €450bn annual from the ECB would liquidity would be increased by €1Tr.

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Do equities and bonds live on different planets?

MADRID | The Corner | While bonds are considering a world without growth nor inflation, equities seem much more optimistic. On their Monday comment, JPMorgan analysts point out that, on a global level, monetary policies are still increasingly more expansionary in aggregate form.


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Draghi steals the limelight in Jackson Hole

MADRID | By  J.P. Marín Arrese | Draghi’s performance in Jackson Hole has largely overshadowed other central bankers. Undoubtedly he surpasses himself in summertime. Just remember his landmark defence of the Euro back in August, 2012.

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Jackson Hole: Without inflationary pressures on the horizon

MADRID | The Corner | Central bankers are meeting this week in Jackson Hole to talk about employment and its weakness in general terms. Unlike what is happening in Europe, US and UK are seeing improvement in employment (their unemployment rates have decreased from 10% to 6.2% and from 8.4% to 6.4%, respectively) with the curiosity that they’re not coming with wage increases. In fact, last British data shows the first fall since 2009. This circumstance means less inflationary pressures, therefore Bankinter analysts think that central banks will not start to tense its monetary policy until wages begin to invigorate, something that will take some months to arrive.

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UBS: Data support acceleration in US real GDP growth

MADRID | The Corner | From the macroeconomic side, US data are showing a clear improvement in the economy, with the labor market growing at similar rates to those seen prior to the financial crisis and consumer confidence surging in July to the highest level since October 2007. The business results also show a positive trend with growth in earnings by 12.0% (ex-financials) and +10.0% inc. financials.

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UBS: Fed realizes a reverse repo program isn’t the answer

MADRID | The Corner | The continuous U.S. labor market upturn (on average 213K jobs/month were created so far this year) paves the way for the consumption and investment growth. The economy strength and the employment trend enabled the Fed to continue to reduce the QE program even after the weak beginning of the year. But apparently the Fed itself is still far from consensus.

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Experts divided on US rate rise

MADRID | By Francisco López | Investors are closely looking economists’ forecasts about the next rate hike in the United States. Until recently, the vast majority opted for movements in the second part of 2015. Now, after the last job creation data, some analysts believe that the rise could come as early as 1Q15.

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Strong US jobs report stirs debate on Fed’s earlier move

MADRID | The Corner |“Yabadabadu!,” US economist Justin Wolfers exclaimed on his Twitter account.  The strong jobs report (unemployment rate declined to near a six-year low of 6.1% and non-farm payrolls rose by 288,000 last month)was released on Thursday gave a shot of optimism over the strength of the job market’s recovery. The Dow broke 17,000 for the first time. Will all this have any influence on the Fed’s tapering plans?

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Bankinter expects 3Q vertigo in sound cycle

MADRID | Bankinter Analysis | 3Q Perspectives. Economic cycle speeds up and, mostly, gains soundness and reliability. Global growth will consolidate in 2014/2015 by +3%/+4% with positive news for developed countries and less favorable surprises in emerging markets. Japan and India are the exception to this rule. Spain will also amaze and main economic risk will lie in regional regional integrity issues whose aftermath may be undervalued, regardless the final scenario.