
germany can longer serve as a model to Europe

Germany can no longer serve as an example to Europe

BERLIN | By Presseurop| The contract for a new grand coalition government between Angela Merkel’s Christian democrats and the Social Democratic Party, which was presented on November 27, has not met with much enthusiasm in the German press. For some, the long-awaited deal is too generous to the left, while others argue that it fails to take into account the interests of Europe.


“Spain is Back”

NEW YORK | By Ana Fuentes | The Spanish Government has launched a charming offensive in the U.S. The United Nations General Assembly was the perfect excuse. PM Mariano Rajoy came to the Big Apple on a 36-hour-trip in order to push for a seat at the Security Council. Indeed. But the most important thing for him was to seduce American business media and send them a clear message: Spain’s economy is far better than it was one year ago.

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Too much government staff? Not in Spain

NEW YORK | In the debate over austerity and government spending some throw the question of 'oversized administrations'. Are there too many government workers in Europe? And in the U.S.? Should the numbers be reduced? The Spanish Secretary of State for public administration Antonio Beteta has apologized to the unions for suggesting last week that workers should “forget about having their morning coffee break and reading the newspaper.” It has…


BBVA’s Francisco González: “Spain has now a chance to regain credibility”

MADRID | The newspaper El País published an interview in its Sunday edition with Francisco González, president of BBVA and “one of the bankers that travels the most around the world. Some even criticise this obsessive international concern, but it provides him with the ability to know how Spain is perceived abroad.” What are the lessons learned after four years of crisis? This has been a very severe crisis due to a…