Frankfurter Allgmeine Zeitung is strongly critical of the deal, and in particular of the “social entitlements”, which include a minimum wage of €8.50 and full retirement at age 63 (for a minimum of 45 years worked) instead of age 67, that the socialists obtained from Chancellor Angela Merkel. For the conservative daily, it amounts to an “overcooked mush” that will be “easy for everyone to digest” —
A grand coalition always has a big heart. That is why the people prefer them to small coalitions. From this point of view, Germans will not be disappointed by the third grand coalition [in the history of the Federal Republic]. Each of the three parties has shown that they can be generous to the little people, and the result is a pact that has overturned the horn of plenty to douse the country with social entitlements. With the minimum wage, mothers’ retirement [an extra €28 euros per month and per child from 2014] and dual citizenship, there is something in it for everyone. […] [But] many Germans will be affected by the hidden cost of these blessings, even if it only weighs on future generations.
Die Welt is outraged for the same reasons: “This coalition has no idea either of itself or of what it can demand from this country,” announces the newspaper, which argues that in view of its decision to fatten up its welfare state, Germany can no longer serve as a model to Europe —
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