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India: Taxation’s Fatal Neglect?

In poor and unequal India, the level, type, quality and sustainability of spending are vital issues to debate. But the obsession with spending has crowded out discussions on spending’s Siamese twin: revenues and, more specifically, taxation.


Will 2014 Be a Watershed Year For India?

BANGALORE | By Srikanth Vasuraj | 2013 saw the Indian currency hit an all time low. The Current Account Deficit (CAD) and the Fiscal Deficit touched new highs. Inflation crossed 8% and the common man was left reeling under huge price rise in essential commodities, making the monthly budget unmanageable. However, next year could be the beginning of a new era thanks to the emergence of the AAP, the “Common Man’s Party”.


Rise in trade with emerging markets unlikely to offset UK’s euro dependency

LONDON | By 2026 the UK could have increased its international business activity a booming 66 percent. The latest Global Connections trade forecast this week from HSBC Commercial Banking predicted that emerging markets will experience a tipping point in the balance of trade power, where imports will grow faster than exports within the next five years. That's opportunity for British ears. how to get your ex back According to official data,…


Real house prices since 2001 higher in UK than average euro zone

LONDON | Real house prices in the euro area have risen by an average of 23% since 2001, less than half UK’s growth of 50%. Five of the European Monetary Union country members saw a better house performance than the euro zone average: France saw the largest increase (82%), followed by Belgium (69%), Finland (61%), Spain (46%) and Italy (31%). In contrast, there were real price declines in Ireland (-23%), Germany…

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The European Commission promotes EU-India IT research

LONDON | The Open Group and the Interactive Technology Software and Media Association (ITSMA) have partnered with a consortium of leading European and Indian research and technology developers to identify future areas for coordination of government funded IT research. Supported by the European Commission, the Fostering Cooperation in Computing Systems for EU and India (EU-INCOOP) project is investing over €460,000 to bring together leading researchers from India and Europe to identify priorities and develop a joint research roadmap that…

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Low average revenue and piracy hamper India’s Media and Entertainment sector

LONDON | India’s Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry registered revenues of $16.3 billion in 2010, which are expected to be in excess of $25 billion in the next four years, according to Ernst & Young’s report ‘Spotlight on India’s Entertainment Economy‘. The study shows that India’s growing digital media consumption and favorable demographics are key drivers for the media and entertainment industry’s future growth. But John Nendick, Global Media and Entertainment Leader at Ernst &…