King Felipe


The Royals

J.P. Marín-Arrese | The UK has delivered a humbling lesson to the Spanish government as its forceful attempts to downgrade the former King Juan Carlos’s attendance at late Queen Elisabeth’s funeral have backfired. The Foreign Minister stepped in, eagerly underlining that State representation confined itself to the sovereign and himself, even consigning Queen Letizia to oblivion in his hasty statement. His frantic efforts to portray Don Juan Carlos as an…


Felipe VI Will Be Vaccinated… When It Is His Turn (*)

T. C.| “Spaniards are peculiar, they want to live like Americans but they think like Cubans” explained a USA ambassador on leaving Madrid. And he was right. So nobody can find it strange that finally a group of “Bolivarians” are part of the Government of Spain. People who, a short while ago, used to denounce the Spanish political caste and now have made their leader’s wife a Cabinet minister; without anybody batting an eyelash.

Casa Real 1

Spain’s Former King Juan Carlos Leaves Spain: Alleged Corruption Overshadows His Reign And Threatens His Son Felipe’s

The King Emeritus of Spain—Juan Carlos I— is leaving the country to live in another, unspecified, country amid a financial scandal. Juan Carlos has communicated his decision to his son Felipe VI through a letter that was made official by the Royal House. In spite of Juan Carlos I ‘s alleged financial irregularities, all the Spanish media have acknowledge the historic importance of the 82-year-old former king.