Articles by The Corner

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.
Mexico's elections to be held on 1 July

Mexico’s Elections: The Implications Of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Becoming Next Leader

Mexicans go to the polls on 1 July. Some 3,400 elected positions are at stake (including the President, deputies senators, and gubernatorial elections), potentially reshaping the country’s political landscape.  AXA IM analysts expect that Andrès Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known as AMLO, will be victorious and become the next President and that his coalition Called MORENA) will obtain a small majority in both chambers of the Congress.

Gas Natural becomes Naturgy

Gas Natural Will Seek Purchases And Mergers After Becoming Naturgy

The general shareholders meeting of Gas Natural yesterday approved the change of name of the company, baptized Naturgy Energy Group. The group thus relaunches itself at the moment when it wants to take part in the corporate dance taking place in the energy sector. Gas Natural is passing through an historic phase, with drastic changes among its shareholders and leadership and with the design of a strategic plan for 2022.

Trump’s policies are boosting inflation

It’s The Inflation, Stupid

Trump’s policies are boosting inflation, stimulating asset values, depreciating debt, increasing growth prospects and decreasing democrat chances at the forthcoming polls.

The arrival of immigrants has invigorated the Spanish population

Spanish Population Increased By Immigration In 2017 And 2016

Bankia Estudios |  For a second successive year, the arrival of immigrants has invigorated the Spanish population, otherwise stuck in organic stagnation. Although the increase is modest, in the end it is hopeful as it means an intensification of the rhythm identified in 2016 (0.2%).


Airbus Breaks Out Trade War, With Brexit In The Background

The European aviation manufacturer Airbus has threatened to re-think its investments and presence in the UK if the country abandons the EU without agreement. According to the analysts at Alphaville: “Industrial processes don´t function where there are frontier breaks.”


Apprenticeships, A Formula To Be Harnessed

In countries such as Germany and Austria, the unemployment rate has remained relatively low for a long period of time. As noted by CaixaBank Research experts, one of the keys to their success are apprenticeships, or dual vocational education and training. To what extent can this formula be applied to other countries in Europe like Spain?

Erdogan's election victory in Turkey

Turkey Avoids The Worst Scenario, But The Situation Remains Challenging

The political landscape in Turkey appears little changed after Sunday´s snap elections. President Erdogan won the first round with rather more than half of the votes, avoiding a second round on 8 July. All eyes will now be on the Ministers Erdogan appoints, and the markets will be looking out to see if he appoints pragmatic reformers.