Articles by The Corner

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.
ECB next meeting

European Government Bonds: Too Early For The ECB To Announce A Change In Guidance

Spain’s government bond rating has been upgraded by Fitch to A- from Baa+, Greece has also seen the rating lifted by Standard &Poor’s, and the US once again experiences a shutdown of non-essential government operations. The biggest topic for the bond market, however, will be the press conference of the European Central Bank (ECB) scheduled for Thursday.


Brazil’s Drama Of Unpredictability

Manuela Andreoni | As Brazil braces for its most important election in decades, hopes of stabilization are dwindling. The country is slowly stepping out of an almost three year-long recession, but uncertainty over what will happen at the ballot boxes later on this year is pushing debate on how to resume growth into a distant future.

Overbanking in Europe?

Overbanking?: Too Much Banking Or Too Many Banks?

It seems we have a consensus: Europe is overbanked. Zombie banks need to be allowed to fail and the process of mergers needs to be strengthened, particularly cross-border. But the US model is more of an exception than the rule and there are countries, like Spain, where the consolidation could start to be excessive.


Spanish exports lack complexity

The Complexity Of Spanish Exports

Spanish exports have seen solid growth over the past few years. Moreover the range of destinations has broadened and the products exported diversified. However, CaixaBank Research points that there is still one important issue to resolve: the complexity of exports.

A varied set of views on China- Greece ties

Watch Out For The New All-Talk, No-Action Bureaucracy

It is expected that some Chinese local government officials may still try to fight bureaucracy with bureaucracy. For instance, when inspectors come, the officials will list how many meetings they have held, how many documents they have released and how many reports they have written to the cause.