Articles by The Corner

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.
There needs to be a clear consensus on the energy issue

“There Needs To Be A Clear Consensus On The Energy Issue So That Long-Term Plans Can Be Made”

“Very few people really know what REE does, expect that, erroneously, it “belongs to the State”(…) Our foreign investors now account for 75% of the total (…) The system works very well. The price of our electricity may be a little higher than in Europe but we have some determining factors such as very complicated physical conditions.” Who speaks is Socorro Fernández Larrea, Red Eléctrica de España Board member.

Aena tourism

Spain Ranks Second In Global Tourism

BancaMarch | According to the World Tourism Organisation (WTO)’s forecasts, Spain beat the US in 2017 in terms of the number of foreign visitors to its shores. The country received 82 million, just behind France with 89 million. Spain also came in second place in the ranking in terms of global spending, which reached over 60 billion euros in 2017, almost 11% more than a year earlier. The US topped…

Greece's bailout program ends on Aug. 21

How Greece Sleepwalked Off A Cliff In 2009, In Black And White

Nearly a decade later, the two leading figures from Greece’s political class have been unable to lead Greece through the catharsis that is necessary. Alexis Tsipras’s strategy to gain power was to focus on a different enemy, while placing the Karamanlis era and the man himself well away from the firing line. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, meanwhile, cannot amass the courage to accept his party’s clear responsibility without qualifying it with weak excuses that seek to deflect blame.

Greener metals for electric cars

Electric Cars Drive Demand for Greener Metals

When it comes to the fight against climate change, the conversation has focused nearly exclusively on how to bring down levels of one element — carbon. But what role will the metals and the mining industry play in the drive to realize a low-carbon future? As it turns out, one larger than we might think.

Norweigan and US

Why Should Any Norwegian Emigrate to the United States?

American president Donald Trump reportedly disparaged immigrants from Africa, El Salvador and Haiti on Thursday, asking his advisors, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump then suggested that the United States should bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met a day earlier.


Remarkable run for gold starting the year

New Year But Old Drivers For Gold

Gold’s recent winning streak was the mirror image of a weakening US dollar. Julius Baer’s analysts still see upside for the US dollar, resulting from accelerating growth and rising interest rates, which should weigh on gold over the coming months. These rate cycle headwinds should however fade as the year progresses, opening up medium- to longer-term bottom-fishing opportunities.